Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My poor neglected blog!

Wow, it's been so long since I've posted here. So sad. When I'm at home I often think of things to write, little things like a description of our Christmas tree, or a blurb about my mom or the holidays, or even the cuteness of watching my daughter feed my husband popcorn at night ("Here comes the airplane daddy!"). Unfortunately by the time I get to my daughter to bed I'm exhausted, and when I get to the computer at work in the morning other things take over. So my thoughts vanish from my head, unwritten, unsaved, erased from memory in a day or two as my brain turns to fog and mush. It's sad really. I wonder will I get my writing life back when my kid gets older, or will I have to wait until I retire from my thankless job? When do I get to be that writer? While I know it's true I had quite a life of my own before I got married, and I'm certainly enjoying this stage of my life now- married, young child, house, job, and all-- I know there is more to come 20 years from now, 30 years from now, whenever... and maybe then is when I will write. If I'm not too blind, and too crippled with arthritis to do it of course. Or dead from cancer. Maybe I'll just go crazy before I get to the finish line like so many others have before me. We're all a little crazy anyway, right? What's a little more? So here I sit with my blog. Gmail, Facebook, my favorite Mommy message board, and some work stuff all in tabs open before me. Headphones on, music from the 70s in my ears, and I write. Killing the time between now and eternity.

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