Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!

This seems to have been about the perfect year for us for Christmas. Now that those darned 4 digit daycare bills are gone we were able to splurge a little for the holidays. Santa finally delivered the Big Barbie dollhouse that Abby had been asking for for the last couple of years. Abby for her part was really into GIVING for a change. We got gifts for former preschool classmates (Toby, Kaylee, and Rory) and we delivered cards to all the teachers at Hampshire Franklin. We did SMALL gifts for about 20 teachers and staff at her current school I think. All of those teachers aides and stuff really add up. There were probably 6 just with the after-school program. We also donated a bag of stuff to the Salvation Army. Actually did a couple of trips to them over the last few months. A really fun part was making a card for the staff at the Five Guys Burgers and Fries restaurant in Keene, NH. We delivered that on Christmas Eve day and they were really happy with us. They gave us our lunch for free and put the card up on the tree, and took pictures and everything. That was fun!

We continued our Hanukkah celebrations this year by lighting the menorah every night. After we lit the candles Abby would do a dance and then she would fold her hands and bow toward it. It was very respectful and fun to watch.

We did not go to any religious services or set up a nativity scene this year. Abby was tired from all the shopping and wrapping and everything we did and didn't want to go to church. I am not sure where our nativity set went. I think it got mixed in with the regular toys and is in the mix somewhere. Oh well.

We still have one or two more celebrations before we put away the Christmas tree. We've all had a cold, and I'm sitting in bed as I write this because I was too sick to go to work today. So things could have been better, but the SPIRIT of the holidays was definitely with us this year. I am grateful for that.

Happy Holidays! I hope that 2012 is a good year for all.
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