Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"No Language but a cry" by Richard D'Ambrosio

I saw another book at the library with the same title. The book I saw was by Bert Smith, and it looked like it was being tossed out. This made me sad. Then I looked up the title on Amazon and realized that it was not the same book that I had read many years before. The book that I had read talks about an abused girl, and the story is so horrendous that it has stuck with me for years and years. I probably read the book over 20 years ago, and hopefully I still have it in my archives somewhere. It's brutal, but it really made me strongly consider a career in social services and psychology. My heart just ached at the stories of the kids that have had a life far worse than mine.  Here's a little excerpt from Amazon:
"This is an inspirational, true story written by a psychoanalyst practicing pro bono work at a nun-run group home. He takes on the long, difficult task of trying to open up a very abused, troubled young girl. As a toddler, she was literally found by the police while her parents were cooking her alive in a frying pan. They're both in mental institutions now, but the girl, Laura, is left seemingly deaf and mute. She doesn't respond to almost any outside stimulus. She reacts to life as a vegetable....."

And it goes on from there....

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