Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter and Goodbye Mom

It's 3pm and the house is quiet. It's  been such a busy day and a busy weekend that my daughter fell asleep at 2pm before she could even eat her lunch. Yesterday we woke up to snow and then we got rain to melt it. We did Easter eggs and Easter cupcakes. Then we saw my mom, had lunch, said goodbyes etc. My husband loaded her truck while Abby and I did the Easter stuff in the morning. Sometime after 8pm my mom finally left. Quietly in the end, on her own.

Today the two of us talked about it a little. I am glad that this chapter in my life is ending. I won't really feel better  until Thursday or Friday though, when she has landed and unloaded in Florida. We're getting there though and that's a good thing.

Today is Easter. The Easter Bunny came to our house last night and Abby woke up at 6:30am and started looking for her Easter Eggs. I hadn't really clued in on how excited she would be for this day. She had a great time. Then the weather cleared off for a while and we went outside. She helped me plant some flower seeds and get some garden stuff going before she just went off to play. We were all enjoying the weather until it started to rain. My husband even grilled outside. So we came in, and she crashed. We're having some quiet now in the house before the last of our weekend adventures. We're going up to Ashfield for an Easter dinner with my dad and his girlfriend. Should be interesting! I hope my kid behaves anyway.

Easter is symbolic, right? After death there was life again. After the winter came the spring. Yeah.. after the farewells yesterday we are moving on and celebrating life today. Hope you are all having a good holiday today.

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